Hi Bob
The beauty of this lap is it does not use abrasives as you know them. It begins
as a lap, shortly turns to a polish, then disappears. It disappears not because
it is washed out, but breaks down quickly and disolves! the instructions
in the container states it is even safe to use inside an internal combustion
engine that is not disassembled and cleaned thorough. It guarentees that
it will not continue to cut, it just breaks down quickly and stops cutting
That said you need to keep adding fresh lap if you want to continue cutting,
you can easily tell when it is just polishing. The downside is it makes
a mess so you need to plan for such.
We used the extra fine soft compound. Even if it did not remove any Tufnal at
but lapped off a few thousands of aluminium, thats OK. I am confident that
there will be no further cutting.
I just don't know for sure if Chrome polish or Brasso leaves behind anything
would continue to cut??
Lard oil is pretty clear, just flush till things come clear, then we flushed
a little alcohol. Did shoot a tiny little bit of fast drying teflon lubricant
after we were done, but not before letting Tufnal live in it for some time
to make sure it would not swell again.
Ron P.
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