Hi! Rowland
The rudder cable must never be able to drop between the bolt head and
the pulley and likewise if the pulley bore should wear it mustn't rub on
the bolt head. Alignment will be by the rubbing strip forward and where
your aft guide will be so as to have an absolutely fair entry and exit
of the cable onto and from the pulley.IMHO
Bob Harrison G-PTAG
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com
[mailto:owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com] On Behalf Of Rowland &
Wilma Carson
Sent: 29 November 2008 17:58
Subject: Europa-List: rudder cable pulley mounting
I've just drilled the holes for the rudder pulley and the inboard
harness attachment, and am a bit surprised to find that when the
pulley is mounted, it doesn't look anything like the drawing in the
The picture shows the pulley well clear of the harness mounting hole,
but I find that it overlaps the bolt head completely. I thought I'd
fallen into another of those "printed manual is wrong, should have
checked the PDF first" traps, but the PDF is the same as my
hard-copy. My pulley does align with the edges of the cockpit module
tunnel in the recommended way - about flush at the aft, and about 6mm
clear of the bottom surface.
The manual suggests 3 spacing washers (AN960-10) as a starting point
for pulley placement. That does put the pulley clear of the
harness-fixing bolt head, but if one of those were removed it would
be rubbing, so there is not much adjustment of position available.
The smallest washer pack that I think would be OK here is 2 off
AN960-10 + 1 off AN960-10L.
Any comments on this? Has anyone found the need to reduce the washer
pack much to get good rudder cable alignment?
| Rowland Carson LAA #16532 http://home.clara.net/rowil/aviation/
| 1170 hours building Europa #435 G-ROWI e-mail <rowil@clara.net>