Great work, well done. The second pleasurable phase is about to start and it
is very enjoyable.
All the best,
Tim Ward
12 Waiwetu Street
PH 0064 3 3515166
MOB 021 0640221
----- Original Message -----
From: "danny shepherd" <danny@mcwalterscafe.co.uk>
Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2008 7:01 AM
Subject: Europa-List: finally and at last
> Well folks its finally happened.
> After six years of hard
> labour today at 11.20 G-c.e.r.i. at Caenarfon airport north wales UK.
> piloted by an officer and a gentleman, "Jeff Leeming" took off into that
> great blue yonder. Climbed to 4000ft carried out a stall. The left wing
> dropped quite sharply, but was easily controlled with with right rudder
> and gentle pull back on the stick. We'll have to fit stall strips during
> the testing period. To my amazement every thing worked perfectly!!!!
> Total time for the flight was 25 minutes. When we will get the full test
> complete due to the weather is any ones guess. The forecast for the next
> few weeks does not look too good. ( i blame santa ) But at least we're
> getting there. :-)
> I suppose at this juncture its time to thank a few people. Firstly it
> has to be my wife and two daughters, as I built c.e.r.i. on my own they
> gave me a lot of help, turning the wings / fitting the CM / and putting
> on the top etc. and spending a lot of money!!. Mind you for some unknown
> reason I couldn't get them to do any filling and sanding !!! The list
> could be quite long, but I'll keep it brief.
> Jeff Leeming and Arther Orchard (Mona flying club) John and Roger
> (Europa 04) Andy Draper and Nev Aires (formally Europa) Murray Flint
> (paint job) All at the LAA. And last but not least, all you lovely
> people on the Forum, without the help I received from you , this
> aircraft would never have flown. I've attached a pic of R.I.and Jeff in
> the hangar.
> Danny G-c.e.r.i 912s tri gear
> P.s. Sorry Dave (Moore) but the Europa G**N does exist :-)