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RE: Europa-List: Skymap 111C battery

Subject: RE: Europa-List: Skymap 111C battery
From: Mike Parkin <>
Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2008 18:21:46

It is not very difficult to DIY the battery.  I did Bob Harrison's Skymap 3C
for him with no great drama.  The battery is a Saft 3.6V Lithium one with
axial wires  - it is soldered in.  Bob got 2 of the batteries from RS ( see
t&R=4364796#header> &R=4364796#header ).  The procedure is in the attached

If you are not comfortable doing the job, send it to me with a battery, and
I will change it for you.



[] On Behalf Of Richard Iddon
Sent: 17 December 2008 17:11
Subject: Europa-List: Skymap 111C battery

My Skymap 111C is telling me that it needs a new battery.  I have done an
internet search and discovered that it is possible to DIY. Anyone done this
and if so which battery and what is the procedure?

Richard Iddon G-RIXS

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