Dear Listers,A question about post curing our epoxy parts. =C2-Today we bu
ilt ourselves an "oven" for baking our parts at the appropriate 40-50 degree
celsius for post cure. =C2-We built a 16' X 4' X 4' enclosure out of foil
claded 4X8 sheets of insulation foam. =C2-The box is backed up to a basem
ent brick fireplace (no open flames) in which I would like to place a suitab
le heating element. =C2-I also have use of an attic fan to low air around
the cavity.=C2-Has anybody attempted this before? =C2-And if so what did
you use to heat the space. =C2-I went to a website that helps you calcula
te the heating requirements for 256 cubic feet of space @ 50 degrees celsius
came to about 8900 btu's, however, heat does build up and I want a consiste
nt heat over a period of hours therefore I will need a thermostat of sorts I
would guess.Any advice out there? =C2-I'm not a =C2-thermo engineer jus
t an individual Europa builder who's looking for an inexpensive way to do th
e job.Thank you for your time and consideration.Cheers and Happy Holidays,Si
ncerely,Jeff =C2-and Peter Paris =C2-Kit# A012 Monowheel Classic
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