Hi Dave,
Welcome and thank you for your interest (and more) in Europa!
I have a few comments about the new specs with particular reference
to the XS Trigear with the 912uls
1) There is no long range fuel tank for the trigear (yet!?)
2) At 8000' DA, the 912s can not make 75% power in cruise. Since the
Rotax factory does not provide sufficient data, I modeled power
Output with a simple linear model of MP and RPM. At 8000', at
takeoff rpm (limit 5 min) 5750 RPM, the engine provide 73%. At
5500 (constant pitch prop), the output is 70%, and at standard
cruise rpm of 5000 rpm, the output is 63%. That said, with the
speed kit installed and a fresh wash, I do see in the range of 135kt
TAS at 5000rpm at 8000'. My airdata system is reasonably
calibrated and the altimetry is IFR certificated. The air data is processed
and displayed by a BlueMountain EFIS.
3) While I have not done a diligent study of max climb performance,
I do expect to see about 1100 fpm at sea level up to 1000'MSL at the
published Vy.
4) The MTOW is 1450 lbs in the US, as published in my OpLims ;-)
Best Regards and Best Wishes for a Prosperous New Year,
Ira N224XS
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