> I too believe the best fix is to use E or S glass and epoxy as a
> band-aid fix. The real fix is to add ribs and change the glass layup
> sequence to add more surface stiffness for those Stilleto heels and
> boney butts.
> As I said and Graham has eluded to: Without testing on the panel, we
> will never know for sure. The theoretical solutions for analyzing
> glass/epoxy structures is beyond my shops time and money. That is why
> my bandaid is bid cloth over the skin tapered to the first rib from
> the root. The thicker, now double sandwich will make that hollow
> leading edge a little stiffer and the glass over the top of the
> filler may preclude those cracks in the filler made by the depression
> of that skin on the forward D section.
> Just my opinion.
> Bud
you described the issue much better than I could, your opinion is valued