The major problem I had with the 64B hi-top was the windscreen fitting.-
I'm going to have a lot of work getting it to fit correctly.- The rear ba
ggage bulkhead fits almost the same as it did before the hi-top mod.- I d
id make the push rod bulkhead taller, but not very much.
--- On Sun, 2/8/09, flyingphil2 <> wrote:
From: flyingphil2 <>
Subject: Europa-List: Mod 64b - Revised Hi Top
Date: Sunday, February 8, 2009, 1:05 PM
I'm planning on doing Mod 64b in due course. I'm wondering how much to
stick to the manual ahead of this though as I can see the sizes of various
being wrong.
If the top half of the fuselage is raised by 2" at the front, what happens
to the following:
a. Rear Fuselage bulkhead.
b. Pitch Control Stop / Pushrod containment bulkhead.
c. Baggage Bay rear bulkhead.
d. Fuel Filler pipe.
I presume that if I build all of the above to the manual then none of them
reach when the top goes on in the raised position. What have people done a
the items above or does the Mod 64b package include parts to adapt these?
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