Any ideas on how to filter out 100 milivolt spike that is very very sharp with
a duration of ~ 75 miliseconds coming from Kuntzleman strobe power supply, then
radiating from power lines and getting into my antenna?
Getting closer to resolve to my tick, tick, ticking coming from Kuntzleman
First off It is the Vertex VXA-700 that breaks squelch. I called factory
today and they said when you put an aircraft antenna on them, they are
Next is high voltage from power supply, believe it or not, using the shielded
---From Kuntzleman, dosen't matter much if you have 1 foot or 25 feet, it just
dosen't radiate that much.
The power supply radiates a lot no matter how you ground things, but 8 feet away
with antenna under worst case and 6 feet away under best case fixes tick, tick,
ticking. So power supplies will live in wingtips away from antennas.
The power wires are the culprit at the moment! First off I am running Vertex on
internal battery so it is not dirty radio supply power causing problem, it is
RF jumping off the supply lines getting into antenna!
Using shielded wire for supply has more RF jumping off compared to twisted pair
no matter how I grounded shield! Can't explain it but it is so.
Using twisted pair with optimum grounding, now has ticking only happening on
and higher frequencies.
Observing supply power at battery on a scope, there are very very sharp spikes
100 milivolts, with a duration of about 75 miliseconds that equate perfectly to
Vertex VXA-700 breaking squelch.
Anyone have any ideas on how I can filter this out? And where to get parts
I guess I will need two filters, one for each power supply at the wingtips.
Ron P.
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