Fred Klein wrote:
> -Re: photos of a tufted G-KWIP, it certainly appears that with your
> less elaborate flap-fairing, the air flow is pretty smooth...though I
> see some indications that increasing the vertical radius of the fillet
> could be beneficial. The photo w/ the flaps deployed is reassuring.
> By any chance, was the stock airframe ever tufted and photographed?
> I'd heard some time ago that the Club was pestering Justin Kennedy to
> record some performance profiles w/ G-ZTED (classic)...his work on the
> fuselage/wing intersection is also quite interesting and inspired me
> to take it perhaps one step further. Any chance of getting some flight
> data fro Justin?
> Fred
Hi Fred
Ivan did tuft the standard airframe but he refused to let me see the
pictures ?:-( He did say the standard was better than mine but I find
that kinda hard to believe ;-) .
I don't have a contact for Justin.