On Mar 3, 2009, at 6:10, Graham Singleton wrote:
> >
>>> Bob
> the throttle friction is a weak link, the nylon washers tend to turn
> unpredicably so there is a tiny bit of lost motion at closed
> position. Better to use nylon plates anchored to the box to get rid
> of the lost motion.
Yes, need to come up with something better.
> Imho 2000rpm is too much, with carbs balanced you should achieve a
> nice 1750 rpm. You're right about the stop/lost motion. The whole
> box is too floppy imho.
Yes. A proper throttle quad could be another project for next winter.
> You should find that if you trim out clean at 80kts, lower the flaps
> and you have 60/65kts trimmed. That's ideal, no retrim needed while
> you are busy.
That's about what I have found. Did not need to re-trim. Only set up
for the new speed. Just seemed interesting that those tiny flaps
acted more like adding full flaps on an old big-bar, manual C-150
rather than, say, an old manual Cherokee.
> I recommend small amount of power on finals but trimmed at 65kts.
> Easier descent rate.
If I can get the throttle creep problem resolved I may very well find
that to be.
> Feel for the ground with tail wheel, then stick hard back. There
> will be a small bounce but no balloon because aircraft can't pitch
> up any more with tail on ground. All you need to think about then is
> keep it straight and that means instant response to yaw, especially
> on black top. Grass is more forgiving.
> In ground effect the tail loses the downwash from the flaps/wings.
> The nose drops, wheel touches and she balloons, (unless the tail
> wheel is already on the ground ) ;-)
That's sort of what I have been trying to do. Get the tail down
without excessive pitch angle so that the last bit of drop isn't so
bad. But you are right, If you nail the tail down first, it won't go
flying again. But if the drop of the main is more than a few inches
the resulting bounce off the main wheel will point you in any
direction except straight down the runway. Then things get way too
interesting. Yes, much more forgiving on grass than hard, but since
I'll be flying off the 6000 x 200 foot strip of concrete here at KDTO,
I need to get this down pat.
> Graham
Thanks to everyone for their comments and suggestions. This is a
great group!
Check six,
Bob Borger
Europa Kit #A221 N914XL, XS Mono, Intercooled 914, Airmaster C/S
Aircraft Flying!
3705 Lynchburg Dr.
Corinth, TX 76208
Home: 940-497-2123
Cel: 817-992-1117