You are probably doing this but you need to isolate the problem as much as
You say it has an "irritating left turn". It seems you have decided it
is primarily aileron/flap (roll) and not a yaw problem, right? What do you have
to do to get it "trimmed out cruising straight and level", aileron or rudder
or both? If both, which is most effective? Since you have put 29 hrs on
so far, have you lived with this for this time or is it an increasing problem?
Is the problem consistent with flaps up or down? As mentioned in this thread,
a slightly deployed left flap should make you turn right not left, so this
wouldn't seem to be the problem or at least not the only problem. Slight
can be made at the flap hinge bolts connecting to the wing, but keep the
inboard flap pivot bolt in close alignment with the hinge under the fuse.
Slightly more adjustment can be achieved by off setting hinge to wing and
for 1/4" bolt. When on the ground can the ailerons and flaps be put
in the correct alignment? It's not likely to be the ailerons creating roll as
you should be able to neutralize roll at the stick. Unless you have a wing
servo that's interfering. Does the plane stall level or not?
This probably will include as Fred Klein says, taking it back in the shop and do
all the trim set up and measurements again. Is the angle of incidence equal?
Hopefully the wing washout is right as that would be hard to change. Check
measurement from leading edge wing tip to some point on centerline as far aft
as possible. Hope this helps.
Good luck finding the problem.
Bill McClellan