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Re: Europa-List: Am I lucky or what?

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Am I lucky or what?
From: Kingsley Hurst <>
Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2009 22:12:54
>     what have you done on the fuselage where it is met
> by the Wing Root, is it an optical illusion or have you moulded an
> extrusion to meet the wing root?

Hello Steve,

I firstly laid up my upper and lower fairings from the fuselage to the wings
bonding the two together.

I then cut the lay-ups with a hacksaw blade so that half of a fairing was
left on the fuse and the other half on the wing.  Then sanded the gaps so
that the upper gap was almost 3 mm and the under surface gap almost 2 mm.
These lay-ups were made over blue foam so I then laid up the inside parts of
the foam and after that, the two semi mating surfaces.

The end result is a gap of 2 mm on top and 1 mm underneath.  I intend to put
Door and Window Weather Strip on one of the mating surfaces.  Only testing
will tell but I hope this should suffice as a seal for local flying.  If I
want a perfect seal for X country flying, I will do the old glider trick of
running some PVC tape right around from trailing edge to trailing edge.
Maybe, I will have to use the tape all the time, don't know yet.

Have attached some photos which should explain better than the words above.
The dates on these photos are embarrassing.

Note that the gaps you see in these photos are a little wider than the
finished product because all the glass surfaces have now been filled for
painting which is my next job.

Best regards

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