G-IANI wrote:
> Did you think about the TruTrak Pilot 1 (or 2).
We did, for a long time. But we rejected it finally because it is not a
real gyro (if I remember correctly it would show wings level while you
are not flying coordinated and with one wing low, and it has to rely on
the static port to indicate a pitch angle, reducing redundancy), and to
be honest, on the pictures it looks a bit like a toy (but I have never
seen one in real life) while it is still quite expensive.
As an autopilot I already have the trio avionics autopilot, and it
double duties as a (gravity based, GPS coupled) turn coordinator. That's
one of the reasons I want to have a real attitude indicator, one that is
independent from GPS, static port and other sensors/inputs that are
shared by other instruments.
This redundancy is probably overkill as I'm not intentionally going to
fly in IMC, but it eases my mind to know that with for instance a static
port blockage, not all my instruments will heartily agree with each
other that I'm really holding altitude, while I'm in fact plunging down.
We considered various options for a gyro-less setup, but every time we
found reasons to come back to the good old gyro.
Frans Veldman