The blades won't move a millimeter unless current is fed to the motor=2C ei
ther via a manual switch or by a software switch. Reverse is a crazy option
=2C unless the aircraft is an amphibian. And then=2C as far as I know=2C al
l certified variable pitch props are hydraulic.
I had various problems with my Woodcomp=2C and I don't really trust automat
ic pitch control in an electric hub any more=2C with two motor failures.
Nowadays I set the pitch to fine before I get into the aircraft for a fligh
t. I leave the controller in manual=2C until I have reached a safe altitude
=2C and then switch to automatic. Same for landing : I switch to manual whe
n I start my descent.
You should have no problem getting the hub modified by the factory=2C but s
hipping is always the problem.
> Subject: Re: Europa-List: Woodcomp Propellers
> From:
> Date: Wed=2C 18 Mar 2009 17:44:26 +0200
> To:
> Hi Carl=2C
> While i am not in the UK part of the Europa fraternity :-) i still feel i
should respond. First of all=2C i am happy to hear that the PFA does not a
ccept the Woodcomp in flight adjustable without modification. It could have
to do with the accident that happened to me=2C where exactly such a thing
happened. My best advice is to scrap the hub and find another supplier. It
could save your life and possibly others. Sorry for the outburst=2C please
be assured that it is well ment.
> Regards=2C
> Jos Okhuijsen
> Visit -