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Re: Europa-List: Constant Speed Props, etc.

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Constant Speed Props, etc.
From: Paul McAllister <>
Date: Fri, 20 Mar 2009 16:00:25
Hi Bud,

I am not an aerodynamicst, not even an amature one but I was wondering
why you didn't think the  Kiev blades will be much of an improvement over
the Warp Drive blades.  The reason I ask is that I do know that I  get an
increase in TAS up to about 10,000' with my AP332 Warpdrive / 914T
combination, but after the speed doesnt increase much.

I hear from the Whirlwind folks that this is not the case for them, higher 

Given that something isn't happening as expected I am concluding that there
is some design parameter(s) that are not appropriate for a an aircraft that
flies at Europa speeds / altitudes.

Any insight that you could share with me would be appreciated.

Thanks,  Paul

On Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 11:32 AM, ALAN YERLY <> wrote:

>   Frankly I doubt there will be a significant change over the WD blades,
> but that is what testing is for.  As you are aware, wider chord
> blades require a somewhat larger base .
  As you well know I am not a politician.
> Bud

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