Hi Carl,
I do the alodining and epoxy painting on all aluminium bits and with
particular fanaticism where aluminium is bonded into wings and flaps.
Worrysome that the treatment is possibly insufficient.
I was just wondering if I could reasonably make an exception for some
parts like the CS0x (and maybe OR1, LG08, LG02) that to my untrained eye
seem to not need it.
Carl Pattinson wrote:
> <carl@flyers.freeserve.co.uk>
> Corrosion protection is I would say essentail with the alloy
> components. Alodine and paint is the home option - alternately anodising.
> You will find that the flap points bonded into the wings will start to
> corrode at the bond line leading to possible cracks later on.
> Replacing these on a finished Europa is a job I would rather not
> contemplate.
> The paint we used (and we primed with Alodine) is starting to chip and
> there is evidence of corrosion (aircraft has been flying for 5 years.
> These are treated routinely with waxoyl to keep out the moisture (not
> pretty but effective) and then periodically cleaned and painted.
> Alternatively ACF50 corrosion treatment.
> The airflow in these areas will soon strip away any chipped paint
> exposing the alloy underneath - it doesent take long for corrosion to
> set in.