I for one am indebted to OCBaker and RNuckolls for the exchange of
views recently - prompted by a question of battery disconnect under load.
This is must-read material for all us newbies in the build status.
My question is prompted by the above. I have built a coming monster
due to wanting to populate it with amateur radio "electro-whizzies" (as Bob
says). This brought me to wondering how I can reduce longterm demands on
current supply. I have a 914 which requires constant electrons for
electrical fuel pumps. I added an SD20S but a 100watt HF transceiver can eat
20amps easily, I know (car history).
This led to the idea that the master contactor wants an amp or so all its
life - that is a lot of juice - a thousand amp-hours if I don't prang. SO I
installed a racing car cutoff switch instead on the firewall with an
eleven-inch wooden key through a hole on the instru panel. If you can
recognize the hole for what it is, you might steal the machine by
fabricating my key.
My question is:
Have I done a useful thing? What is the expected useful life of a fairly
simple (and supposedly rugged) device compared to these usual contactors?
[Price was also a pleasantry].
Expectently, Ferg