Hi Fran
I purchased A Snap on tool made for the job,
Not the cheapest solution but against a prop being loose no contest,
---- Frans Veldman <frans@paardnatuurlijk.nl> wrote:
> All,
> Today I received my Woodcomp propeller. According to the manual I should
> torque the bolts with 22Nm.
> However, because of the location of the bolts, it is impossible to get
> there with a normal torque wrench.
> Is there a special tool I'm not aware off? Or do people practice
> torqueing with 22Nm with a torque wrench as reference, and once mastered
> the feel, apply it to the propeller bolts? Or is it just not critical at
> all and is anything between hand-tight and applying brute force acceptable?
> BTW, the propeller appears to be of good quality, there is a mechanical
> end-stop indeed, and there are two limit switches *in series*.
> --
> Frans Veldman