Fred Klein wrote:
> On Apr 18, 2009, at 3:14 PM, Karl Heindl wrote:
>> What has a Rotax on fire got to do with german engineering.
> Karl,
> I make no connection between "Rotax on fire" and "german
> engineering" intention was to link what appeared to be an
> extraordinarily complex design for the Stemme's magically disappearing
> propeller with where it came from and who designed it. Paul had
> mentioned that his friend needed two of the ships in order to ensure
> that one was airworthy due, apparently, to required high levels of
> maintenance.
> Fred (Fritz)
It's a taildragger and not many Americans are skilled at landing
taildraggers now, nor English if it comes to that. !52s are too easy to
fly so not good trainers. I had a Stemme S10 on an old flight sim,
wasn't half difficult to land it without busting a prop or knocking the
gear of it! ;-)