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Europa-List: male threaded drill bits

Subject: Europa-List: male threaded drill bits
From: Rowland Carson <>
Date: Wed, 22 Apr 2009 00:47:38

It's probably waaaay too late to catch anyone from UK online who 
might be going to Sun'n'Fun, but I'll try anyway.

If any UK-based person at Sun'n'Fun sees for sale short drill bits 
(about half-inch working length) with quarter-28 male threaded shanks 
for use in angle drives, please pick up a handful (one of each size) 
for me & I'll pay whatever it costs when you get them back to UK 
(I'll travel to collect).

I got a selection wih my tight-fit drill kit, but some are now 
getting a bit worn (glass is tough to drill) and are impossible to 
sharpen in a normal drill sharpening jig. I'm looking for as wide a 
selection of sizes as are available. Aircraft Spruce has them at $2 - 
$3 each. If you find them at those prices (or better), I'll have 2 
(or even 3) of each available size if your pockets will hold them.

Put up a reply here if you're able to help - I don't want 10 people 
all fetching drills - although I suppose I could sell any surplus to 
the RV crowd :-)


| Rowland Carson
| <>          ... that's Rowland with a 'w' ...

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