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Re: Europa-List: Threaded connector for tailwheel

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Threaded connector for tailwheel
From: Paul McAllister <>
Date: Wed, 22 Apr 2009 14:00:02
Hi Ron,

Early on in my flight testing one of the pear shaped clips opened up when
landing.  I noticed a lot of  slop in the rudder action when I taxied back.
The clip was very close to letting go.  I replaced them with small
turnbuckles.  I think I got them from AC Spruce.  Interestingly enough the
clips on the springs on the inside were fine.  I inspected them every flight
during the 40 hour fly off period but they gave of sign of being a problem.

I can only assume that I overstretched the clips when I fitted them tail
wheel horn as I do not know of any one else  who has had this failure.

As fair as using the threaded connector instead, I would suggest you test
one to failure, along with the standard clip to make sure that it equal or
better in strength.  The other thing to be aware of is that once they have
been subjected to a stretching load that they can be hard to undo.

Regards,  Paul

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