Has anyone asked Pledge whether that firm recommends it for our use on
plexiglass in aircraft?
JR (Bob) Gowing in Oz
----- Original Message -----
From: "Greg Fuchs " <gregoryf.flyboy@comcast.net>
Sent: Friday, May 01, 2009 9:10 AM
Subject: RE: Europa-List: Re: Windshield care
> <gregoryf.flyboy@comcast.net>
> Ira,
> I just split the plastic to take a look.
> (For those that haven't looked)
> The article is "Look, But Don't Touch" (Author: Tim Kern) in the May 2009
> edition.
> Most of the article deals with washing the windows, while not leaving
> scratches, and using polishing compounds to remove them.
> It also discusses using horizontal and vertical movements when wiping (but
> a
> professional buffer is okay?).
> Anyway, None of the main article relates to our discussion on using Pledge
> as a protecting compound.......... however:
> There is a "Do's and Don'ts" section in which it IS mentioned.
> The quote is (under the Don't part):
> "Use things like Ammonia, Windex, Pledge- things that are made for glass
> aren't necessarily made for plastic, and usually don't work well"
>>From my perspextive (worth a little laugh?), it seems that the author
> just be trying to come up with randomly selected brand names that are used
> with things other than Plexi, to qualify his general statement.
> Though I would never use ammonia or Windex without clearing them by
> looking
> for a history of others using it, there is in fact, a history with Pledge,
> and a good one as far as I know.
> So the question remains, was the author specifically pointing a finger at
> Pledge, or was he lumping it in with a bunch of other items, because he
> was
> just trying to think of something not specifically designed for Plexiglas?
> Good eye Ira, on seeing this article. It may provide a valid data point,
> if
> we can find out a better explanation about what the author was thinking
> when
> he wrote it.
> I have sent off an email to the Author in an attempt to find out.
> Regards,
> Greg Fuchs A050
> Where do you get the Dupont Sontara wipe cloths, BTW? Can they be obtained
> at an automotive store?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com
> [mailto:owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com] On Behalf Of rampil
> Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2009 12:32 PM
> To: europa-list@matronics.com
> Subject: Europa-List: Re: Windshield care
> Interesting coincidence that after posting yesterday about plexi,
> what should appear in my mailbox but the new SportAviation from
> EAA with an article on care of windshields!
> It seems to echo what John and I said about Pledge, etc.
> Clean cotton is hard to come by at my hangar so I have been using
> some Dupont Sontara wipe cloths.
> You mileage may vary
> Ira
> --------
> Ira N224XS
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