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Re: Europa-List: Fuel valve open or close between flights

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Fuel valve open or close between flights
Date: Mon, 4 May 2009 20:57:19
Hi Raimo
My Andair fuel valve is slightly different to Rowlands, Its off position is to
the right,You are unable to shut it off unless you lift the centre pin, But you
can move between Main and reserve very easily, In my opinion its idiot proof,
I would highly recommend one to replace the standard europa valve, I normally 
the valve after a flight,
> >After flights do you close or not main fuel selector valve?
> >
> >I have elected to keep it always open
> >To prevent jamming or seizing  I move it couple of times in a year 
> >between ON-RESERVE-CLOSED positions.
> >

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