That's why you should consider redundant charging systems. A second
alternator and regulator.
While in phase 1 flight testing I ran the main tank dry to see what it's
like to switch the fuel selector to reserve and restart. While running
just 1 pump it sure seemed like a long time to restart, and that was at
3,000' over the airport!
I have not tested your "what if".
Europa XS Mono-Wheel
Inter-cooled Rotax 914
Airmaster Prop
On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 9:22 AM , rparigoris wrote:
> <>
> "What if" for some reason you can't land and need to fight gravity for
> a long time with a charging system that has quit.
> You are runing on battery alone to run a fuel pump.
> To extend flight can you turn on pump to fill float bowls
> then turn off pump till engine sags, and turn on etc. etc. etc instead
> of letting pump just run?
> 2nd half of question is if the answer to above is yes, what might be
> the optimal MP to use?
> Thanking in advance.
> Ron Parigoris
> Visit -