My overhead eyeball vents are fed from an outward opening flap in the
roof. I have the flap fully open for take-off and landing but have it
only just cracked open in the cruise even on a hot day. The noise level
drops dramatically with it like this so perhaps if you can control the
input flow to the eyeball vents you will control the noise as well as
the flow. High pressure air against a partially open eyeball vent is
likely to be noisier than if the source is controlled before it gets to
the eyeball.
Nigel Charles
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Duncan &
Ami McFadyean
Sent: 06 June 2009 21:18
Subject: Europa-List: Noisy Europa
Whilst grateful for the general quietness of the Europa, inside and out,
the cabin NACA vents and associated 'eyeball' contribute substantially
to cabin noise.
If during flight the vent is temporarily blocked with ,say, a finger,
the reduction in overall noise (possibly including some external engine
noise coming through the vent) is noticeable. Same thing can be
experienced on an airliner.
Does anyone have any advice as to how these vents can be quietened?
Duncan McF.
Checked by AVG -
06/06/09 05:53:00