Also Bob check your carb springs. I had one once that was a little
lazy. New spring fixed it. Just a thought.
Jeff R.
A258 - N128LJ / Gold Rush 186 hours and climbing slowly.
On Jun 15, 2009, at 10:21 AM, Jeff B wrote:
> Bob,
> Solids would do the trick. I used them when I was researching the
> problems I was having earlier. However, you might want to research
> the reason for the binding. Make sure the cable enters the housing
> straight on and exits the same. Make sure the pivots on the throttle
> arm are free from binding. No tight bends, anywhere in the run.
> Flushing the housing and relubricating the whole thing may help.
> As for the solids vs braided, I've seen no real difference, other than
> to help with a binding problem. On a properly run set of cables, the
> originals work fine...
> Jeff - Baby Blue
> Robert Borger wrote:
>> Fellow Europaphiles,
>> I need a recommendation for my sticking throttle problem. I thought
>> I had it fixed, but I flew this morning and it happened again. Flew
>> from Denton (KDTO) to Ironhead (T58) for landing practice. First
>> landing was excellent. Taxied back for takeoff, applied full
>> throttle and started to roll. RPM only went to 4000. Aborted the
>> takeoff. Taxied back to takeoff, held the brake, worked the throttle
>> and was rewarded with 5780 RPM. Released the brake and took off,
>> flew back to KDTO, landed (OK landing, bounce, power, stabilize, land
>> right). Went back to the hanger and pulled the upper cowl. The port
>> throttle cable was hanging up again. I have posted pics on my build
>> web site. Starboard throttle goes to full, port only goes half way.
>> By working the throttle one can get full throttle on both, but that's
>> not right. I need a good fix for this problem. I have heard about
>> teflon liners and solid cables. I'd like some feedback on what folks
>> have found to really work and how the installation was done.
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Bob Borger
>> Europa Kit #A221 N914XL, XS Mono, Intercooled 914, Airmaster C/S
>> Aircraft Flying!
>> 3705 Lynchburg Dr.
>> Corinth, TX 76208
>> Home: 940-497-2123
>> Cel: 817-992-1117
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
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