> 9) sounds grazy but I wanted to use money (yes - an el. horizon was more than
Dynon but do not tell to my wife)
Well, I agree with almost every single point, except for this one.
*Well as I wrote - it is grazy - but I did like to make a little treasure - also
*Not a good investment but made and make me happy.
*More than ANY painting or ordinary art for example.
*This is my art made by myself - and it is not hanging in the safe.
*It is easy to use money to the plane:
*I give one tip: my register plate OH-XRT on the panel is 24 carat gold (do not
tell anyone).
*That is also a reserve fund for emergency: if I loose money somewhere in a
*I can take it, sell it and get money for one night in a hotell, one good meal
and a full tank.
> My 5 switches are all illegal: two of them have a specific purpose (which is
illegal but fun).
> Two of them have (very illegal - so illegal that I cannot publish so far)
> plans
for future winters.
> Just one is so far extra. But I promise some day it also will be strightly
> illegal.
Oww. I envision another contest: what illegal features can you put into
your airplane?
1) Sound! Yell to the neighbours. Or fly low over a crowded street and
emit a machine gun sound and see what happens. Gives a whole new
dimension to flying! The possibilities are endless, and for sure a
source of great fun.
*Correct: in fact I have a siren and a compressor horn. For example when I fly
over my home and give some horn, *my wife knows there he is and he coming soon
home and she will start to make some dinner and maybe some other *fun if I am
lucky.. OK? Also, I never scream "clear prop" - I warn people by shorn. Once
there were about *hundred of reindeers laying just over runway. I could not land
but after low pass with siren they run away. That was *in "Aavahelukka"
airport in Lappland. Siren is also for burglar alarm and so.
*Frans - American boys do produce gas-operated machine guns with real noise and
*They are for movies and displays. I was VERY interested but those are
too heavy.
*Just imagine: you are doing a fast low pass over main street operating your
*Your friend is there and he is explodeing some little new year bombs same time
in the waste boxes or so..
*What a spectacle!
2) A fuel dump. When you have to make a forced landing, better get rid
of the fuel first. Probably illegal, but might save your life.
*No but exellent idea. Unfortunately I think it must be legal. Why not? It is
for aviation safety.
3) A dropping bay. For water balloons (very innocent), paint balloons
(somewhat less innocent) or possibly even less innocent stuff.
*Correct. Thats a plan only so far. Drobbing bombs. Black rubber water bombs.
shit. Dropping sweets to *children. I have done it once through Cessnas
window and it was fun. Dropping leaflets and handbills. There is a *nice place
under the stbd side back seat you know (my accu is fore). Everything is there.
Just missing a round hole
*(4") and an openable door (by trimming servo).
But you have still more switches. What am I missing?
*I have illegal lights like 360 degrees white light on the fins top. I call it
"ramp & courtecy light" and that is for *reading map over tailplane during night
or so. I have also blinking red and green high bright leds on the fins sides
*(they have unic history but I cannot tell it here).
> Frans: a little tip for you. Do paint your pedals to black.
> So they disappear nicely.
Have been thinking about that, but because of their nature, paint will
probably wear off quickly at some points, leaving something that looks
very ugly.
*Paint them black and glue some rubber strips over "T" shape. However if you
a quality paint, wearing will not *be a problem. They are anyway alwaysunder
> Please find and look LAA issue # June - so you will find out what I mean.
Where can I find that?
* - Your friend will bring it to you soon!
*Raimo OH-XRT
- flying tomorrow to Visingsj to Europa Aircraft - Nord Fly-in 2009 to Sweden