> In a message dated 7/8/2009 3:02:51 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
> writes:
> Why should it be a problem ?
> Hey Karl,
> I agree, I don't think getting rained on periodically ultimately
> causes paint or gel coat bubbling. As you said there are millions of
> cars and hundreds of thousands of airplanes that sit in the rain most
> of their lives and don't develop blistering. What I was talking about
> was moisture being held in constant contact with the finish, as it
> would by being in contact with a rain soaked padding over several
> weeks and that is indeed what caused the bubbling I described.
> We recommend to our customers a periodic application of a good
> quality Carnuba wax (like Mother's) or Wx Block (available from
> because it helps the finish shed water and also
> provides some UV protection. Makes your bird all nice and shiny, too.
> Regards,
> John Lawton
> Whitwell, TN (TN89)
> N245E - Flying
Cars and store bought airplanes are metal, blistering is a composites
problem. If there are any fingerprints, unreacted resins, whatever, on
the surface before painting osmosis will occur. ALL paint systems are
permeable. As you say, wax is best