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RE: Europa-List: Re: Europa-List: VOR Aerials

Subject: RE: Europa-List: Re: Europa-List: VOR Aerials
From: Greg Fuchs <>
Date: Wed, 2 Sep 2009 09:29:38
If I could take a stab at this:

The information I have about loop antennas, is that they are normally much
smaller than a wavelength, but they do have broadband response. Also they
are bi-directional, not omnidirectional. I suppose that they could be set up
in the tail to transmit and receive in the forward or aft directions, but
they would not then work laterally.  They are used in direction-finding
applications, such as the old style DF steer, and ADF.

Possibly, you might be thinking about a Folded Dipole?  If you take a normal
dipole, and connect the free ends with a longwire, then shape it into a
collapsed rectangle with donut-style ends, you would have a Folded Dipole.
It looks a bit similar to a loop. A folded dipole has the same radiation
pattern as a regular dipole. Unfortunately, it also has a high input
impedance, of 288 ohms. To make it work with the current Radios and
Transmission lines, would mean sacrificing a lot of radiated energy from the
antenna, so I don't believe it would be a viable option.


 >Is a full wave loop installed in the tail an option here, feed point on
the floor or roof to create the horizontal polarization


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