Hi There=2C
My name is Gustavo from Argentina. I am thinking to buy an Europa xs monowh
eel with Jabiru 3300 and airmaster prop Constant Speed. Could somebody advi
se me the expected performance ( cruise speed and consuption)
and also any reference about this kind of engine compared with ROTAX ?
It is a reiable engine ?
Thanks for the feedback and regards from Argentina
From: pr@dcanderson.myzen.co.uk
Subject: Europa-List: Benwick flow transducer
Date: Mon=2C 14 Sep 2009 12:32:33 +0100
I have a Benwick fuel flow
computer fitted to a microlight and the transducer has ceased to
operate satisfactorily. I understand that Benwick have gone out of business
=2C but
I believe that some members of the forum have fitted such devices to their
Europas. Can anyone suggest a source of a suitable transducer=2C preferably
in GB?
The range of flow rate that the Benwick measures is from 0.05 litres/min to
1.6 litres/min.
Roger Anderson
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