I think this is the 4th set of outriggers I have replaced over the years. Each
set was made longer,about 1/2 inch each time. My monowheel is an XS model,and
not the classic so there may be a difference in lengths of the outriggers as
by the factory???
In looking back when I was learning to land the monowheel, FOR ME I think the
curve would have gone better had the outriggers been longer... Let me
explain....During landings,after touchdown, the rocking from side to side of the
wings with the short outriggers gave me the inpression that the plane was
to turn to one side or the other, and I sometime corrected for a turn,
when there was no turn. It took a while for my brain and my feet to come
in my mind. Before I started flying the monowheel, I had acculuminated 1000
plus hours in a Pitts S-1-S which I owned. My perspective of what was going
on outside the monowheel during the landing roll out, was affected by what I
had seen in the Pitts.
I'm not sure how a low time pilot might feel, or be aware of what is happing in
the landing roll out of their monowheel.
I don't know if anyone has posted their thoughts on this subject.....but please
DO NOT change out the outriggers on your plane on basis of my experience.
Please understand I am not suggesting that anyone run out and change outriggers
for longer ones.
Jim Brown.
---- Fred Klein <> wrote:
> On Sep 20, 2009, at 5:10 AM, Jim Brown wrote:
> > Over the past ten years I have extened the outriggers in length, to
> > now when the plane is parked, both outriggers touch the ground. For
> > me ground handling is much better, and in landing with the longer
> > outriggers the "rocking from one outrigger to the other" is now gone.
> Jim,
> Have you made the outriggers longer incrementally over the years or in
> one fell swoop?
> Would you venture an opinion as to whether or not the shorter legs
> were advantageous initially as you familiarized yourself w/ the mono?
> Sounds like you've had excellent results w/ the smaller tire at higher
> pressure on the hardsurface runways you use...thanks for putting your
> oar in to this discussion.
> Fred
> A194 XS mono