I had the same problem with the outboard aileron hinges after only some 50
hours. A U.S. individual used to sell kits comprising Teflon sleeving and
stainless steel piano wire matching our hinges, to PREVENT wear but not to
make up for any already existing wear. I purchased some of his last stock a
year ago, and he told me that he was to discontinue this side-line business.
I am presently not at home but I'll try to find his name and number when I
get home over the week-end, in case you wish to contact him to see if he has
anything left over.
Instead of replacing the worn hinges, I fitted an additional hinge close to
the outer end of each aileron. I think the original position of the outer
hinge was too far from the end, this new hinge stiffened the aileron and
makes it feel "right". On all other hinges (including the trim tabs) I put
in Teflon sleeves and the new pins made from the piano wire. I was not able
to pull out the original pins from the rudder hinges, they were all glued to
one of the hinge halves during fitting of the hinges (before I learned how
to do it properly!).