Gerry the following thread will catch you up!
the tyre is 210x65 and has never been mounted
the bolt, incl spacers to hook on a manoevering bar, is 5 1/4" x 3/8" or so.
I am willing to donate the outfit to the gliding club if it wants to pay the
What is the name of the gliding club which might give me a flight one day if
I get up there again!
Best Wishes
----- Original Message -----
From: "Lance Sandford" <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2009 1:13 PM
Subject: Tailwheel assembly
> Bob
> I presume the actual wheel is not included in the tailwheel assembly?
> If it is would you mind getting me the size and the axle dimensions.
> Looking for a new tail wheel for a Blanik glider.
> Shame we didnt get more time to talk at Cowra. Thought we may have
> caught up on the Sunday.
> Regards
> Lance Sandford
> in Sunny Hervey Bay
> I also still have my "unused original-type Europa tailwheel assembly"
> which I had at one stage packed ready to give someone.
> But has anyone got a good idea about how to use them?
> JR (Bob) Gowing kit 327 in Oz
----- Original Message -----
From: "gerryholland" <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2009 4:17 PM
Subject: Re: Europa-List: Spare original-type tailwheel/ redux basins
> <>
> What diameter is the axle/shaft?
> Regards
> Gerry
> Visit -
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