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RE: Europa-List: Flying and reading glasses?

Subject: RE: Europa-List: Flying and reading glasses?
From: Gary Leinberger <>
Date: Fri, 23 Oct 2009 09:50:07

I use bi-focals with the reading part set to 30 inches - which is also great for
computers (I have a part of just reading glasses, set at 30 inches for work
on the computer - it says neck strain). I can easily read the 1 inch gauges on
the Mooney I fly now. In the Mooney I have a Garmin 530 so don't need to read
maps so often  (I generally fly IFR). In my Europa I am planning on a Grand 
HX which has a moving map. When I need to read a map, I can see it with
my bi=focal part except for very crowded parts of the map - then need to flip
my glasses up. Tri-focals seems a good idea but since I really don't need 
glasses for up close (12 inches or so) I stick with bi-focals. 

Gary Leinberger
On Behalf Of Christoph Both []
Sent: Friday, October 23, 2009 8:02 AM
Subject: RE: Europa-List: Flying and reading glasses?

Get 3 stage progressive lenses - they really work, close reading the map, mid to
read the instrument panel and far to see everything outside, all in a consistent
sharp transition!
Christoph Both
Wolfville, Nova Scotia

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Frans Veldman
Sent: Friday, October 23, 2009 7:38 AM
Subject: Europa-List: Flying and reading glasses?

Hi Everyone,

So far I have had the luck that I never needed any eye correction.
However with an age of 45 I'm finding myself getting more and more
troubles to focus nearby, and for working on small parts (electronics)
I'm already using reading glasses.
I made the unfortunate discovery that the instrument panel of the Europa
is becoming quite close to the range where I can focus comfortably, and
that alternating frequently between looking outside and on the
instrument panel is no longer comfortable for my eyes. :-(
There must be more people on this forum with similar problems. How does
one solve this? What I was thinking about is special "flying
sun-glasses" with a sharp change-over exactly at the angle where the
glareshield is in my vision, with everything below that with some mild
"plus" correction. This way alternating between looking outside and on
the instrument should go with minimal changes in focal efforts for my
eyes. My optometrist is happy to construct special sun glasses if I
measure the exact angle where the division between outside and
instrument panel is, but is "my" solution workable in practice? I am
aware that there are glasses with a gradual change-over from far to
near, but in the Europa there is no gradual change over, it is either
focus on "infinity" or focus on "instrument panel" and nothing in
between (unless something disasterous is about to happen).
I guess I'm not the first one thinking about this problem. How do other
people solve this? Or am I just spoiled, being used sofar to superb
vision without any corrections?
Wearing "just" reading glasses for looking at instruments and maps does
not work as I like to wear sun glasses as well, so it should be all
together in one device.
I would love to hear other peoples solutions!


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