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Re: Europa-List: Flying and reading glasses?

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Flying and reading glasses?
From: Frans Veldman <>
Date: Sat, 24 Oct 2009 19:00:43 wrote:
> Coming in late too this discussion, I have a Normal pair of Ray Bans
> (Green)with the Large lenses, In the bottom 1/4 I stick Optx
> Removable reading Lenses +2.00, These work really well for normal
> distance work looking through the top and you can adjust the Optx
> Lenses to suit your own needs to view the panel through thr bottom,
> It works for me :-)

Perfect! This is exactly what I'm looking for! Can just use my normal
sunglasses and put these stick on reading lenses at the right position,
without the need to explain everything to my optometrist and hope that
he will construct something usefull. And I can change it any moment
until it is perfect, or when the requirements of my vision change. It
looks like the perfect solution. Thanks!

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