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Europa-List: EFIS inquiry re Stratomaster

Subject: Europa-List: EFIS inquiry re Stratomaster
From: JR Gowing <>
Date: Tue, 20 Oct 2009 15:11:58
To Mainly Aussie Europa Builders

Can anyone give some advice regarding the Stratomaster Glass Cockpit EFIS I
nstrument/ Auto Pilot please=3F

I have been looking at the mid-sized Voyager which looks as if it would fit
 in the Monowheel Inst Panel by cribbing about 1/2=22 into the top panel edge
 and do all that the Dynon does in a different way.

I am not an experienced power pilot and don't know enough to make a sensibl
e decision; hence your comments would be appreciated. 

JR (Bob) Gowing UK Kit 327 in OZ

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