Lovely aircraft! Almost as pretty as the young lady sitting on the wing with
For what it's worth, my tailplane balanced with one big, one middle and two
weights positioned using washers behind them such that the weights were held
full forward against the roll pin. The weights had all been bead blasted to
remove some thin rust then primed and painted. So they might be a tiny bit
than plain weights.
I not only static balanced the tailplane, but also "dynamically" checked the
That is, I made sure the tail was in balance and had no tendency for the
weights to raise or fall on their own. For the dynamic balance check, I quickly
lifted and lowered the tail to ensure that the tailplane did not move when
the tail was moved. This was easier to accomplish with my Monowheel than it
might be with your tri-gear.
Check six,
Bob Borger
On Tuesday, November 24, 2009, at 08:50AM, "Frans Veldman"
>Gentlemen, I have an important question.
>How did the tailplane balancing work out for you with the Europa
>supplied counter weights? How much did you need to remove from the
>weights, or did you need to add some weight?
>I have a large weight, a middle sized one, and three smaller ones.