Hi all! Just for info', today I checked with Fire Fighting Enterprises Ltd.
Tel:- 0845 402 4242 www.ffeuk.com as to the likely compliance of my 0.7kg
BCF Halon cylinder.
Since mine originated in 2000 it only has one year to run, the limiting
factor being 10 years total life span and/or 10% drop in weight of contents
before service....and at that age it couldn't have been filled with the
offending batch of Halon the subject of MPD 2009..008 concern anyway.
I'm somewhat miffed that what seems to be a perfectly sound cylinder would
need to be scrapped (unless the contents were carrying corrosive
contamination when filled!)
Of course since the "use in anger" factor is needed to be relied on no doubt
our illustrious insurers may default on settlement of a claim if it is not
in compliance.
More expense!
Bob Harrison.G-PTAG