Hi! Rowlnd
There's many more Rotax carb heat experienced people about than me but from
an outside observation I'd understood that it was advisable that you get
Conrad at Conair to press these items into place? Otherwise easy to fit.
(I don't have any carb heat since I have a 914 with a turbo and
intercooler. I'm monitoring minimum carb throat temperature and the lowest
I've seen to date was 6 deg Celcius.)
Bob Harrison
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com
[mailto:owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com] On Behalf Of Rowland Carson
Sent: 21 December 2009 16:34
Subject: Re: Europa-List: skydrive carb heater
>No problem
>it was easy to fit
Steve, Danny - thanks for the reassurance!
| Rowland Carson ... that's Rowland with a 'w' ...
| <rowil@clara.net> http://home.clara.net/rowil/
| Skype, Twitter: rowland_carson Facebook: Rowland Carson
| pictures: http://picasaweb.google.com/rowlandcarson