Hi Richard and Happy New Year!
While I can not imagine my good friend Gary down in Tampa
has much experience with cold starting, he has the drill down pat.
Of course and degree of engine block and/or warming helps too!
I did a -1 C start yesterday
10 blades of prop rotation to move some oil back into the block.
Electric fuel pump until the pressure is up to 5 or so.
I have always used both sets of plugs so I can not comment
on the effectiveness of the starter gizmo that Rotax is touting
since last year.
The battery must be charged to the point where the starter will do
600 rpm or the ignition system will not generate a spark (this is
a BIG one!)
Pull the throttle back hard against the stop so the enricher circuit
works best
Pull back the choke so the enricher works best too!
Once the engine catches, leave the choke enricher engage longer than
usual before switching to the standard throttle.
Ira N224XS
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