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Re: Europa-List: Flap cross tube

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Flap cross tube
From: Frans Veldman <>
Date: Tue, 5 Jan 2010 14:39:02

On 01/05/2010 01:56 PM, William Daniell wrote:

> Continuing in the subject of aileron jamming I don't see how the flaps
> could have jammed the aileron given that the two are separated by a
> fiberglass close out or at least at the root...or am I being thick
> (perfectly possible)?

I'm not sure exactly how, but the pilot involved is a professional and
not making things up. I also know that the alerted rescue team
afterwards was quite shocked when they discovered in what condition the
airplane was landed.

What happened is that the pin slipped out of the socket, and then rested
against the edge of the socket. If you then retract the flaps, the
forces involved are huge, and likely to bend anything, including the
outboard hinges.
I don't know how much clearance there was between flap and aileron in
that particular airplane. Keep in mind though that during flight the
wings will bend somewhat, and that clearance might be smaller than normal.

I believe that the event was covered in detail on this list.

Anyway, it happened, it was a serious event, and it was worth an SB.


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