Well thanks for all your suggestions on the flap cross tube.
Fortunately I am not going mad - at least so it appears...the hard
points are different distances from the center line. the Left HP is
21.5 cm from the CL and the right one is 24cm from the CL.
Everything else is lined up.
* The bottom of the bend in the flap tube touches the fuselage on
the CL .
* tube is centered between the flaps
* the bases of the two flap pins where they screw unto the close out
are equidistant from the CL
As things are,
* the left slot would be cut only 1/8 from the edge of the left hard
point and
* the right slot would be cut 3/4 in from the right hand edge
putting the inner 3/16 holes of the hinge bracket (the ones
nearest the left hand edge of the right hand hard point only 3/8
from the edge of the hard print.
Is this normal?
One solution would be to reposition the flap tube brackets so that they
line up with the hard points.
Any other ideas?
Someone mentioned that some kits were made with this fault. Any idea of
what the factory solution was?
thanks in advance