Hi Ron,
I have not tried powering down my engine as I don't see any point until
such time as I have my long wings. The data on inability to airstart
is direct from the factory. No real point in persevering over just how
much force at what prop pitch at what airspeed, etc. If Terry has done
it, that's great. I have tested my airframe at 110% Vne as per protocol during
my Phase 1, 110kt is 15% below cruise.
I have compiled a great deal of test flight data as per the bootstrap method
outlined in John Lowry's great book. I have first cuts at my airframes
best Vspeeds etc and I believe I have posted those here in times past.
You and Wayne are of course always welcome for a ride! Just please
leave your memo pad at home.
Ira N224XS
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