Does anyone have paper copies of the original Europa company Mod 18? This
18/1 Mandatory, Pitot and static positioning, (to the XS wing position),
10.11.95, All aircraft Page 7-10
I would be happy to receive either a paper copies or an image PDF's if you
can make them.
I need this mod to check the final details of a "How to build a Classic"
addition to the present manuals
To make the Club records complete copies of Mods 15 to 17 would also be
15/1 Mandatory, Forward lift pin/fuselage stiffening (1/4'' foam / Bid ''
top hat stiffener'', vertically from thigh support to door sill), 14.9.95,
All aircraft, Page 10-87 Prelim Issue 22
16/1 Mandatory, Shock absorber block shape modification, 7.11.95, All kits
with LG06 without "V" shaping
17/1 Mandatory, Rudder pedal guides (Tufnell blocks) to clear the
Undercarriage Frame), 7.11.95, All aircraft Page 10-65C & D prelim Issue 23
These are less important as they are all covered in the present manual
Ian Rickard G-IANI XS Trigear, 280 hours
Europa Club Mods Rep (Trigear)