Hi Ron,
I took some pics of the remote oil pressure sender yesterday while I was doing
the firewall aft part of the annual.
Perhaps they will help:
BTW, that's not a third black wire, it's a shadow of the signal wire.
The three washers provide a nice tight clamping of the sensor and still allow
NPT threads of coupling to seal properly.
I hope this helps.
Bob Borger
Europa Kit #A221 N914XL, XS Mono, Intercooled 914, Airmaster C/S
Aircraft Flying!
3705 Lynchburg Dr.
Corinth, TX 76208
Home: 940-497-2123
Cel: 817-992-1117
On Feb 17, 2010, at 9:12, rparigor@suffolk.lib.ny.us wrote:
> Hi Bob
> Thx. for the reply. How is the sender electrically connected, and how is the
sender mechiasnically mounted to your bracket?
> Thx.
> Ron Parigoris
> "> I mounted my oil pressure sensor on a piece of aluminum angle that was
> > bolted to the top of the passenger foot well. Ran a 20 ga black wire from
> > one of the mounting bolts up to the firewall ground block. 20 ga is way
> > overkill, but it's what I had on hand and the 0.1 oz of extra weight
> > didn't seem like too great a penalty."