Bonjour =E0 tous,=0AI have been very happy with my CAP NSI propeller during
1100h-used with a simple-hand operated changing pitch system. Unfortun
atelly , the Electronic Control Unit has just failed:=0AThe way to the fine
position woks fine ,-as well as-red light and- beeper at-the-cou
rse end--.=0AThe- way to coarse position is in-flaw-. I tested mo
tor hub--from the brush hoder separatly-from ECU : mecanism works wel
l=0AThen tested the ECU-out put voltage- ( brush holder not connected)
-and verified-12v on one way and -12v-on the other . During that test
-I heared closing noise of the 3-electromecanical relays.=0ASo separatl
y two parts of the global-system work well-=0AWhen every thing is recon
nected ,-the only way working is to fine position.=0AI suppose -the ele
ctronic card is defective. Having no electrical drawing of that card I cann
ot-invastigate more away-=0A=0AIs there-some body-from the Europa c
ommunity-having had -such a problem or more simply ideas-to help me?
=0A=0AThank you=0A=0AJean-Philippe Neel=0AEuropa N=B0 273 F-PSLH=0AGrenoble