Bonjour Glenn=0ABe sure that your message is a great hope for me. You are m
y rescuer!=0AI am ready to pay that ECU if you want . Please let me know ho
w to-pay . The best way for me is to transfert from my bank to yours. =0A
If you agree let me know your bank informations and I-will do the payemen
t. =0A=0AJean-Philippe Neel=0A5 chemin de la Batie =0A38240 Meylan=0AFrance
=0A=0A-=0A=0A=0A=0A________________________________=0ADe : glenn crowder
<>=0A=C0 : le : V
en 26 F=E9vrier 2010, 19 h 01 min 42 s=0AObjet-: RE: Europa-List: ECU for
NSI propeller=0A=0AHey Jean-Philippe-- I have a spare NSI CAP140 ecu con
troller I have'nt used for years.=0AIt was working fine when I removed it.
- If you can't resolve the issue I could send it to you for just shipping
charges from the USA.=0A-=0A--------------
----Glenn-=0A-=0A________________________________=0ADate: Thu,
opa-List: ECU for NSI propeller=0ATo:
jour =E0 tous,=0AI have been very happy with my CAP NSI propeller during 11
00h-used with a simple-hand operated changing pitch system. Unfortunate
lly , the Electronic Control Unit has just failed:=0AThe way to the fine po
sition woks fine ,-as well as-red light and- beeper at-the-course
end--.=0AThe- way to coarse position is in-flaw-. I tested motor
hub--from the brush hoder separatly-from ECU : mecanism works well
=0AThen tested the ECU-out put voltage- ( brush holder not connected)
-and verified-12v on one way and -12v-on the other . During that test
-I heared closing noise of the 3-electromecanical relays.=0ASo separatl
y two parts of the global-system work well-=0AWhen every thing is recon
nected ,-the only way working is to fine position.=0AI suppose -the ele
ctronic card is defective. Having no electrical drawing of that card I cann
ot-invastigate more away-=0A=0AIs there-some body-from the Europa c
ommunity-having had -such a problem or more simply ideas-to help me?
=0A=0AThank you=0A=0AJean-Philippe Neel=0AEuropa N=B0 273 F-PSLH=0AGrenoble
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