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Europa-List: Naca Vent Position

Subject: Europa-List: Naca Vent Position
From: Remi Guerner <>
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2010 12:58:38

I do not know the factory recommanded position. For the position of the 
vents on my own airplane, see attached picture. They are very effective 
but the pilot side vent used to have a tendency to recycle exhaust gases 
at high angle of attack with the engine at low power, so I had to close 
it before approach and landing! I had to extend the exhaust pipe two 
inches to solve that problem. So I believe a higher and/or more forward 
position of the vents would have been better. 
 I hope that helps.
Remi Guerner

<<<<<<<<I'm trying to find the recommended position for the Naca fresh 
air vents 
in the front fuselage side. I understand that at one time the factory 
recommended a position and produced a drawing. From an approval point of 

view with the LAA it would help considerably if I stayed with this 
recommendation.If anyone has access to this drawing then a copy would be 
appreciated.Regards David Steade>>>>>>>>>>>

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