Fred=0Athat does look beautiful! Is the rear face of the section slightly c
oncave? That would really convince me.=0AGraham=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A_____________
___________________=0AFrom: Fred Klein <>=0ATo: europ Saturday, 13 March, 2010 16:04:42=0ASubject: E
uropa-List: Question about Ground Adj. Props=0A=0AFWIW, Sensenich does offe
r a 3 blade composite ground adjustable prop for the 9XX designated 3BOR5R6
8C, weight 10 lbs., min. diameter of 64".=0A=0AAlas, the shanks of the 2 bl
ade prop they make for the Jab 3300 relies on a different hub design and do
not fit in the 3 blade-hub.=0A=0AFred